Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Margaret Porter wrote journals for over 60 years.  She was many things, a poet, a musician, a life long lesbian,a linguist, a researcher and an activist.  She often wore pants in the days when it was not acceptable for women to wear them.  Sometimes she even did this in different countries like France and Mexico.  Often she would write in her journals about the reactions people in those countries had to her defiance of the pants rule.  She noted that children reacted differently than women and men. To see more about Margaret and her fascinating collection click here. Margaret's book collection of lesbian expats in Paris at the turn of the century is on display at the June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives. 


                                                             Barbara Grier (By Bunny Mac Culloch)

This is a photo of Barbara Grier from inside the Mazer. She was a friend of this archive. Here she is speaking at the Mazer in 1989. Barbara, who was a founder of Naiad Press, made a commitment to the Mazer to donate one of every single book Naiad published. She did indeed make good on this promise.  She was a pioneer in the lesbian community but not without drama.  You can read more about her in a fantastic biography by Joanne Passet by clicking here.